Week 3

 Even though I planned the schedule and shared to team members but they didn’t pay attention to, as well as below. I assigned tasks to everyone in the group as well as myself. Due to Dominic joined us, we changed our role. I am in charge of project manager and Sina Weibo account (for marketing), Olivia is illustrator and Dominic develop stories. I finished my job and informed others. I only know what I did because we did not hold any meetings this week. Three weeks we did nothing just created an account and use previous work. I feel upset and totally lost my interest in this project. I created a Sina Weibo account and post a mini blog with an illustrated graphic design to welcome people follow us on Sina Weibo.

The illustrated photography, illustrate by Oliva, photograph by myself (this is what we did last semester). I used an app (Creative Shape) to create letter ‘M’ to represent ‘mixi’.

Week 3 –

2nd Aug 2016****

*Dera – Create sina weibo account for Mixi’s mini diary, SHARE THE ACCOUNT TO GROUP MEMBER & PASSWORD (see the top page, under the project name). Help Olivia with illustration if she is asking for help. Discuss the style with Dominic when release story 1.

*Olivia – Create Mixi’s mini diary WECHAT official account, organize by yourself. Character design (will be used directly). Digital drawing and contact Dera if need helps.

*Dominic – Get the story 1 done, will be released  on Sunday night. Plz discuss with director and working on the content. Story provide before Friday midnight.


On 1st August, I went to Warrnambool Presbyterian with Helena to help her ‘Ardure Your Dream Wedding Planner’ project. To thanks the couple that we can attend their wedding and shoot the client ‘Ardure Wedding Planner’, Helena decided to make a video for the couple and asked me to in charge of this. This is my first time that somebody gives me a chance to do  what I like. Sound recordist becomes my expertise after many practices but my interest is being a cinematographer. This was my first time and what I shoot was not that good. I learned many things after shooting and consulting the two Dops(Chi and Kelvin) about shooting a wedding and technical stuff. I found to be a cinematographer is not an easy thing. A lot of things need me to dig into, such as lighting, using natural light or studio light? composition, movements, camera style and so on. The video will be provided in next few week (edit by myself).Screen Shot 2016-10-13 at 11.56.31 am.png

(Me & Helena)




Week 2

This week, we added a new team member Dominic. I actually not happy with the reason why he came to our team. Olivia gave me her reason that Dominic is so poor and he has no project to do… I am an objective person. I would think what he can contribute to us. Additionally, the plan we did last semester will be totally rescheduled. eg. the role, who is in charge of marketing or story development?  I planned a production schedule in order to make sure the project running on time. Below is what I wrote for group journal to record the process. 

Additionally, I was recommended by Ahmed to help Aliee’s group recording sound. Aliee prefer to use shotgun mic directly to record the interview, therefore, I was actually a boom operator rather than a sound recordist.

Week 2 – Thursday meeting in Building 9-2:

30th July 2016****

I will plan the production schedule, we will stick on the plan. Changes will be discussed through a group meeting. Plz do not change directly without permission

Presentation content:

*Olivia – brief, concept, scale, story world, etc.

*Dominic – Marketing part

*Dera – Character, schedule plan.


Schedule link:


Screen Shot 2016-10-13 at 10.55.07 am.png



week 1

I am doing Mixi’s mini diary with Olivia as my primary project. Actually, I found that it is very hard to accommodate our time for meeting regularly. Having tutorials is a really good way to hold a regular meeting after class. However, the frustrating thing is that we are not in same tutorials and didn’t meet each other this week face to face. We came up an idea that to hold the meeting online, using the chat tool ‘WECHAT’. Below is a week 1 journal which I wrote for recording the activities and progress of the project. 

Week1 – Sunday meeting on we chat FaceTime:

24th July 2016****


1)assignment 1:Concept Brief & Pitch for a Media Project: presentation

A1 due 30th 7 intensive Saturday


revise the concept brief and make any additions or changes

*a document use to attract others to commit and work on the ideas.


2) confirm our schedule *class time *meeting time


—— things we need to do for next tutorial, 1, asking tutor about the concept changes and feedback, get some advice.


before intensive 1* ppt for presentation  约好哪天一起写,brief or Google doc?

content: concept, scale, platform, market/to whom, story, what we have done last semester, what we need to change, (develop story need more conflicts, looking for client?) milestone for whole semester & presenting next step and what audience will see in next stage.


2* survey

the survey is gonna help us with story development (and avoiding bias) since both of us are media student rather than business student. *we both don’t know about that environment, question: what we gonna do? how can we know more about business student? from friends, from in-depth interview and survey or else?


survey questions?? (in Chinese and translation) 问卷问题 informal


1,来自哪里 |  Where are u from?

2, 年龄段 |  Age?

3,来澳留学最主要的原因 |  The reason you study in Australia?

4, 来了多久 |  How long have you been here.

5,住郊区还是city | Where do you live, city or suburb?

6,喜欢city 或者郊区的原因?|  The reason you like to live in city or suburb?

7,花多少时间学习 | How long you study everyday?

8, 花多少时间放松  | How long you take to relax.

9,放松的方式 | What do you normally do?

10,生活和学习中最难克服的困难是什么 | The difficult things you encountered in your study and life?

11,澳洲生活和以前国内生活有什么不同?| What’s the difference between your life in Melbourne and your previous life?

12,更喜欢澳洲的什么?| What attracts you in Melbourne?

13,和local一起学习的感想 | What do you thing about study with local people?

14,未来一年最想做的事情 | What do you want to do in next few years?

15,以什么方式提高英语? | In what way you improve your language?

16,你认为你最大的进步是什么?| What is the biggest thing you appreciate?

17,这期间受过最大的委屈是什么?| What are the things that you feel sad or upset.



MCD Industry research module

Following my passion, I chose to do more research on industry research which might bring my researched perspective to my future direction.

cinematographer or director of photography (sometimes shortened to DP or DOP) is the chief over the camera crews working on a film, television production or other live action piece and is responsible for making artistic and technical decisions related to the image. (Wikipedia)

Nowadays, film industry is kind of like a big boys club, and it’s hard for women to be taken seriously as cinematographers. Martha reports that only 2% films were shot by female cinematographers. Cinematographer is dominated by male.

Matthias – Cinematographer in Beijing film industry

The underrepresent of female cinematographer. Firstly, I think it’s because of nature. Females generally chose to do a more feminine job rather than holding a big camera. Pretty much women like high-hell shoes and in a pretty make-up, happy to hear some compliments like you so beautiful rather than ‘wow, you look so cool!’ By contrast, men enjoy something cool like motorbikes, cars and more curious about tools and parts. Basically, there are no too much women wish to do this job. … Actually, women did better job in writing, speaking and organising than doing technical stuffs… Many girls have become directors rather than cinematographers in China.

I completely agree with that. Through a small group survey I carried out in RMIT Master of Media. 16 out of 20 young women (8o%) dislike to be a cinematographer in the future. The reason why dislike they answered: ‘Too tired, it’s not suitable for girl.’ ‘Not interested in learning softwares and cameras’ ‘I don’t like to carry heavy equipment. It’s like a boy! I don’t wan to be like that.’ However, in these students 14 were Chinese.  Screen Shot 2016-06-02 at 4.00.15 pm.png

Cinematographer Style, a documentary film by Jon Fauer, interviewed over a hundred cinematographers from around world about process and progress of filmmaking. In the documentary, Owen Roizman said ‘You have to light, you have to compose, you have to create movement. That’s the three elements of cinematography.’

Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 12.37.25 am(Trailer was embedded at the bottom)

Obviously, people would say the camera is big and difficult to move for women which has formed a social norm in cinematographers societies that a cinematographer should be a man who can handle carrying heavy equipment.

Ical Tanjung – Malaysian cinematographer

The judgement exists. I know a lot of young women do producers, writers and production design, and a few women do directors and cinematographers. I know some girls do camera assistants and videographers but it is hard for females to be cinematographers here as I know. Physically, boy’s muscles are bigger than girl’s. That’s not easy for women to do camera movement.

This is a real story happened on me when I took the internship in Jiangxi Province Tv Station in China two years ago. Every times I followed mentors going outside to do interviews, they never allowed me to carry any heavy stuffs or even a tripod. They always ordered another male intern to do those things, and instead I was holding a mic phone interviewing people in front of a camera.  It is a psychological question that a male have a strong feeling (instinct) to protect the weaker one.The conventional mode of thought is still affecting people that men go out to fight and women weave at home which is incorrect and not suitable for me and some girls.(refer to social role theory)  I think this would be a potential factor of underrepresent of female cinematographer.

Some causes can be traced to human evolutionary history, especially the ways that the division of labor is influenced by biology and environments.A human universal–in all known societies–is a division of tasks so that men do some things in society and women do others. The specific activities in a society depend on what tasks can be performed most efficiently by each sex, given men’s greater size, strength, and speed and women’s bearing and nursing children. (Wood & Eagly, 2002)


Miranda Ralph – RMIT media student

I think women have emotional aspect that a lot of men don’t have. They can create a story and also get the emotion cross the screen and fully immerse audience.


Maya Bankovic – Female cinematographer in Toronto.

I am glade to hear from some girls who want to be cinematographer as it was considered not easy for female. Some students asked me same question about my experience in film industry as a female cinematographer when I was a tutor in Toronto Film School. I work alongside with male collaborators and I think there is no difference between male and female cinematographers. I always tell my students that don’t hold back due to physical aspect, gender and size is not an excuse to give up what you like to do. … Everyone have to pay something for their future and dream. Try to find out a way to build a body of work and insist your dream, and then you will find some professional people respect you and are willing to work with you. Over time, you will have a great number of works to support your capability of being a cinematographer.

Mixie Lin – Camera assistant in China

I like to take what someone else has written and make it visual. When people tell me stories, I can see visually and how it plays out in my head. It part of the reason why I choose to be a cinematographer. I know it is hard to be a cinematographer in China not just for female. Directors will work with the cinematographers they trust in, they won’t change their team very often. … I worked as camera assistant in film industry 6 years followed experienced cinematographers and directors for getting more experiences and hope one day I can have my team. … I can handle it. I don’t care about what other said. I think it’s cool and I enjoy it.


Overall, I think it would be more successful and happier for me if I am following my passion to do something I like rather than something I could do.


Wood, W., & Eagly, A. H. (2002). A cross-cultural analysis of the behavior of women and men: Implications for the origin of sex differences.Psychological Bulletin, 128, 699-727.


NDN – Task 7: media convergence / social media

  • Task 7: media convergence / social media

    Critically reflect on ways in which media convergence and/or social media has influenced your approach to designing and marketing digital narratives. How has the evolving media landscape challenged and/or extended your approach to digital storytelling? Refer to one or more of the course readings/videos in your discussion.

    Post this task on your personal blog. Word count: approximately 500 words (See ‘Word count: can I exceed it?’ on the Study FAQs page).

    Mixi’s mini dairy:

    Original plan:

Platform and user interaction (in creative pitch)

    • The platform for the visual graphic novel will be launched on international and Chinese main steam social media platforms, including different social media channels, such as Instagram, Facebook, blog/website, Weibo, Wechat. Furthermore, all of those pages will be updated regularly in every week. However, the blog/website and Wechat Official page will launch when this brand has a certain number of followers).
    • Audiences can share posts to different social media platforms and leave comments below the posts.
    • People (RMIT students or non-RMIT people) can post snapshots of RMIT or Melbourne then post on Instagram and hashtag (#Mixi’sminidiary), we may use one or few of them for the next episode story.


    Updated plan:

    The previous document pitch was wrote by Olivia. And though weekly group discussions, we found many things that we need to change/update and do many online and offline activities to make the project better. We will still stick on our plan that convey our story by using social media platforms.

    During the semester break, we are going to create a Facebook page, Twitter account, Wechat subscription account and Sina blog. Wechat and Sina blog are Chinese mainstream social media platform. And we focuses on Chinese student as our main target audience including some students in China who are planing to study in RMIT city campus. Before we post our story online, we are going to do some pre-activities to catch audience’s eyes, in other words, we want to get some fans before we start the project. (illustrate some funny pictures on social media platform but no narrative) This will lead to some interactions with audience and feedback will be provided by audience.

    examples: from NU1T

    Audience can snapshot everything and then post on Twitter and Instagram with hashtags ‘#Mixi’s mini diary’. We encourage them with a line description about the story they want to create. Then we will pick 3-5 snapshot from audience and illustrating on the picture they provided.  We are going to capitalise social media activity to construct the narrative based on audience interaction.


    ‘Nearly 1.5 billion people are actively using this platform every month. There are 936 million active daily users … Facebook still dominates as the top social network.’ (Deontae 2015)

    Sina Weibo
    ‘In March 2014, the numbers of Weibo’s total reached users on PC and mobile device were 290 million and 106 million respectively; and they are growing stably nowadays according to data from iResearch.’ (Cecilia 2014)


    What’s WeChat Subscription Account

    ‘Official Accounts have become the most important WeChat service.
    Almost 80% of WeChat users follow Official Accounts.’ (Tencent 2015)

    ‘WeChat Subscription account is typically the most basic choice of the official accounts. It allows you to push frequent content to your followers. Account manager can broadcast one message per day. The account followers will see the update information in the subscription area.’  (WeChat Agency)

    Screen Shot 2016-05-08 at 4.00.07 pmScreen Shot 2016-05-08 at 4.00.46 pmScreen Shot 2016-05-08 at 4.01.30 pmScreen Shot 2016-05-08 at 4.01.48 pm



    Cormack, M 2015, ‘WeChat’s Impact: A Report on WeChat Platform Data’, Technode, viewed on 8 May, <http://technode.com/2015/02/10/wechat-impact-report/&gt;.

    Moore, D 2015, ‘Social media: Figures that matter to you’, Public Narrative,viewed on 8 May, <http://publicnarrative.org/2015/09/social-media-figures-that-matter-to-you/&gt;.

    Wechat Agency, ‘Wechat Account Registration’, viewed on 8 May, <http://www.wechatagency.com/wechat-official-account-registration.html&gt;.

    Yang, C 2014, ‘Weibo Users V.S. China Social Media Users’, China Internet Watch, viewed on 8 May, <http://www.chinainternetwatch.com/8675/weibos-social-media/&gt;.

NDN – Task 9: EPOC media objects


Task 9: EPOC media objects

Create one of the following media objects for the Electronic Proof of Concept for your final project proposal:

  • a script
  • a storyboard
  • an animatic
  • a sample scene in the form of a video clip
  • an audio file
  • a screen design
  • an interactive wireframe
  • a game prototype

Post or link to the media object on your blog and write a reflective piece about it (~500 words).

In other words, identify an insight (an interesting or illuminating new thing you learned) from creating this media object. Focus on something that may change your thinking (or be important for you) that you hadn’t realised. Think about what the significance of this new insight might be for your learning and future practice.


  • Finally, I choose to team up with Olivia to produce her Mixi’s Mini Diary. We started the project since we agreed working together and assigned the role on week 8. I am in charge of taking picture and Olivia will draw an animated character on the pictures. This is a warmup/practise for cultivating our tacit teamwork for next semester. After a morning practise, I realised that this time is totally different from traditional photography/cinematography. Mixi is a hand size animated character, so it required me to take pictures close to ground. Equipment I used: GoPro, GoPro tripod, mobile phone and selfie stick. Using the features of action camera and mobile phone which are small, handy and portable. New insight: A new form of storytelling  based on still images. Photograph as main setting, so choosing locations are extremely important. Meanwhile, capturing a nice picture talks me a long time. i.e. capture the movements of people as the background/props. Many disadvantages: safety issue shooting on streets. Distance decides the frame if using mobile camera and GoPro, therefore, it requires me standing in a right position to capture a nice picture. How to solve the problem? Mobile camera lens can address this kind of problems.  Advantage: Comparing with traditional cinematography and storytelling, it is low budget. No need actor, green screen studio, big video camera, lighting kit, audio, etc.

Mixi (hand size animated character), an international student, study business at RMIT. She’s been Australia for 1 week. Now lives in a local family (homestay).

On the orientation day (Monday morning), Mixi gets up at 7:00 a.m. She runs to train station in a flying speed. She uses her Myki card that she bought last Saturday. She takes a train to city. 8:25 a.m. She arrives at Flinders station. She follows the google map and finally arrives at building 8. She looks at crossing people on Swanston St and listens the tinkling sound from trams. Everything is so beautiful but uncertainty.

NDN – Task 5: audience analysis

Answer these six questions in relation to the audience for your digital narrative:

Why are you creating this story? Goals, rationale, purpose, premise? What do you want your audience to experience or understand?

  • I find some girls around who are unconfident, lack sense of security or defective. Some girls are wearing the ‘mask’ everyday and they are afraid of standing in front of their friends, colleagues and relatives with their bare face. Some girls don’t know how to do makeup, they will keep their heads down as long as somebody staring at them. I want to create a website which is telling girls to be confident either ways.

What is your story? In what way will it be original, surprising, human, passionate, truthful or relevant to your audience?

  • Stories will be gathered by audience (crowdsourcing). At the first stage before creating the website, I am gonna use Facebook page, Twitter and other social media platform to convey this concept and encourage female audience sharing their stories on Facebook page or using hashtag#. ‘At the age of 13, I didn’t like my look because I have less eyebrow. I tried to use my mother’s eyebrow pencil but in return for more ridicule. Classmates laughed at me, included a boy who I liked, they said I looked like a joke. I was very sad. I malingered for one week in order to not show myself in front of people until the lie of sickness was exposed by a doctor. I learnt a lot of tutorials how to do makeup, I just wanted to be normal, not wierd. In a long time, I did makeup everyday to cover my ugly eyebrow but I overcame the ugly look and accepted it until I met my boyfriend,  My boyfriend likes my eyebrow and he said they are lovely.’ stories are original, very human and truthful like this example.

Where will you publish your story? What platform/s and hardware are suited to your audience? E-books, blogs, videos, photos, podcasts, tweets, status updates, apps, games, forums, websites?

  • It would be published on a website, which contains videos, images, audio and texts. Additionally, will simultaneously use Facebook page, Twitter and Youtube channel as promotional and user interactive supports.

Who is your audience? Who is your target viewer/user – i.e. the group you will target in promoting the work?

  •  This website is mainly designed for girls, especially for those young women aged between16 and 25, who care what others think of their looks.
  • The part for audience sharing their stories is designed for different ages of people. Everyone can share stories about beauty on our platform which might meet our goal that guide girls to a positive way.

When will you create the content and start to engage your audience? What is the production process and publishing schedule?

Before create the website, I would like to create a Facebook page first to attract girls and participant in this project. They can share their stories on Facebook page and by using hashtag on Twitter and provide stories, feedback or something I need to improve or change. After gathering the information and crew call out, I will arrange time to shoot the video (actress /stories picked up from Facebook page).Screen Shot 2016-05-02 at 11.23.51 am.png

How will your audience participate in the narrative? Will they be able to contribute to the narrative, alter the narrative, respond to the narrative?

This is a platform for audience sharing their personal stories. My audiences are main part of storyteller. All the stories will be revealed by audience. In another words, more audience more interesting stories and the website will be more attractive.

NDN- Task 2: write a digital narrative outline

  • Task 2: write a digital narrative outline

    Write a brief outline for an original digital narrative project. Your digital narrative should tell a story as well as utilising one or more of the unique features of digital networked media. So for a more linear narrative, consider how it might be broken into modules, how your audience might participate in the project, or how you might promote the work online. For a more interactive narrative, consider how your audience will access each scene and how they will participate in the unfolding of the narrative. Your digital narrative can be about anything you like – but it needs to be doable with the tools and skills you have at hand.

    Post this task on your personal blog. Word count: approximately 500 words (See ‘Word count: can I exceed it?’ on the Study FAQs page).



  • tell a story

The story is about RMIT history. As I can find on school website, ‘RMIT University started its life as the Working Men’s College on 7 June 1887. It adopted the motto “Perita manus, mens exculta” – a skilled hand, a cultivated mind – which continues to be used by the University today.'(History of RMIT on RMIT website) There is over a centurial year history/story that it can tell. The background story is the history of RMIT but I will focus on the big events and architecture of RMIT following the timeline. I think the best way to tell this story is by using the digital narrative format of webdoc.

  • how it might be broken into modules

The RMIT website outlined timeline of the history of RMIT from 1887 to 2015. The history of RMIT has already broke the stories into separated modules by years. Every single year of RMIT has its own isolated story, but audience would be felt boring if the webdoc presents all the stories. So it’s necessary to select some good stories to tell.

  • how your audience might participate in the project, or how you might promote the work online

Social media is a low cost marketing tool to share the URL of this webdoc.

  1. Link the webdoc on Facebook and Twitter.
  2. making a Facebook page for the webdoc.
  3. Photosharing on Pinterest and Polyvore. It allows me to share the visual content that is related to the webdoc and link back to the webdoc.
  4. WordPress. Write a blog entry for the webdoc and share it on my Facebook, Twitter and so on.
  • consider how your audience will access each scene and how they will participate in the unfolding of the narrative

Target audience: The original idea of this webdoc would be to cover the students of RMIT and some people who are interested in applying future studies in RMIT also including student’s parents.  According to the feature of interactive documentary, the story can be told in two ways.

  1. The story will be told in a linear structure within the timeline. Audience can skip it by clicking or scrolling down images.
  2. The story will be set behind a map, it allows audience to click on different RMIT campus buildings to reach different stories which the stories also can be told in a non- linear structure.

Photo Collection Gallery  (The RMIT / RMIT buildings in your eyes) will be opened for audience / users to upload the pictures they took (should relevant to the buildings or events) on the interface of photo collection gallery of the webdoc.


History of RMIT, viewed 20th March 2016, <https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/our-heritage/history-of-rmit/&gt;


NDN- Task 3: investigate digital tools

  • Task 3: investigate digital tools

    Research one or more of the digital tools you could use to create your digital narrative.

    Option 1. Describe any software that look promising and explain how you could use the tool in your project. Post this task on your personal blog. Word count: approximately 500 words (See ‘Word count: can I exceed it?’ on the Study FAQs page).

    Option 2. Create a 3-part branching video (a video that branches to two more videos) using Youtube or Interlude Treehouse. Post it on your personal blog.

    Option 3. Create a 3-part narrative structure using a website builder (WordPress / Squarespace). This could contain some sample text, a sample video and a sample image. Post it on your personal blog.


  • I choose option 3:


I created this website as an example to explain the idea by using WordPress.  Wordpress met most requirements that I need. But I need to spend some money if I want to make it better and looks more like a website not a blog.

* The video and image in homepage.

There will be 3 videos on the homepage. I got the image and video from my pale skin.
I have gathered the idea from this website: http://www.beoplay.com/products/beoplayh7

Screen Shot 2016-04-09 at 11.22.21 pm

Audience can drag the button in the middle to decide whether they world like to watch the video on the left hand side, right hand side or both together.

The interactive video can not be made in WordPress I think. It is easy if just edit the video in Adobe Premiere that combined two video into one but very hard to make the video interactive by dragging the button and choose a way to enjoy the video.

*Problem needs to be solved.


COMM2540 NDN- Task 1

  • Task 1:

    Task 1: analyse a digital narrative

    Choose a digital narrative to examine; this could be a game, an app, a website, an interactive video clip or any other narrative that employs the representational power of the computer. There are some suggestions in the Week 2 folder, in the Module 2: Digital narrative genres.

    Copy and paste the template text (below) and use it to write your analysis. Does the digital narrative exhibit any of the listed features and characteristics? If so, briefly describe them. 

    Post this task on your personal blog. Word count: approximately 750 words (See ‘Word count: can I exceed it?’ on the Study FAQs page).

    The digital narrative I chose: Link to Jilted on Youtube Channel and Link to Jilted on facebook.

    This is a last year student’s work that I joined in as a sound recordist in last year semester break. This year I take this course and finally find out more about this webseries because last year I just focused on the crew skills and knew nothing about digital narrative stuffs.  Here we go!


    Story elements:

    Events – This is a story about a young lady Astrid and her boyfriend Michael. Astrid’s life is ruined after Michael shared her intimate photos onlineAstrid teams up with Mallory and Ruth and takes revenge on Michael. They plot a dramatic downfall of Astrid’s ex- boyfriend.

    Actors – Protagonist: Astrid, Supporting role 1: Mallory and Ruth and Supporting role 2: Michael.

    Time – Present

    Place – Workplace, Michael’s house, Astrid’s house and garden.

    Narrative elements:

    Ordering – The story proceed chronologically from the beginning to the revenge they implement. After that a flashback of Astrid’s memory pops up which reveals the personality of Astrid, a softy person. Then the narrative thread turn back to the real world till the end.

    Pace – The story is told directly by the dialogues and actions.

    Focalization – Multiple perspective has been used in these videos. The point of view shift all the time. Sometimes audiences can see one character speaking, sometimes can see all of characters sitting on sofa and planing or sharing something.

    Narrator – There is no ‘Voice-of-God’ narrator standing out of the scene and telling the story. Audiences follow the characters’ action and dialogue to understand the story. That is easy to bring audience into the roles to feel with characters.

    Text – Jilted is a six episode web series with transmedia elements.
    Traditional narrative features:

    This web series exhibit the framework of traditional storytelling. It just like watching Tv at home but much shorter than Tv shows. The story starts with a big conflict so that the protagonist got a motivation to continue the story. Revenge is the narrative thread and theme through out the story. The story followed rules of traditional storytelling. Put huge efforts on characterisation and conflicts between characters.

    Astrid, the protagonist, teams up with her friends Mallory and Ruth who self-named a fixer to plan this revenge (Beginning). They decoy Michael to create some negative stuffs that they can post online and destroy him straight away. They broke into Michael house and got a private video from his laptop. Michael returned back and found something wrong, at the same time Malloy dropped car key. Astrid ran away and Michael chased her. Astrid successfully avoid being got by Michael since she’d hidden behind a tree before Michael got there. However, when Astrid went back home and Michael was there. A warm hearted sequence of memory pops out. Michael beg Astrid do not post those private things online and tried to ask her come back to him. She refused(Middle). After all, Astrid cancelled revenge and said ‘Michael isn’t the cause of all of this. He is just a symptom of society where…’ (End).

    Protagonist Goal: Taking revenge on Michael and humiliate him.

    & Fear: The online intimate photos of Astrid destroyed her life. Harassed by strangers.

    Digital narrative features: 

    Numerical coding – This web series is created in traditional shooting way but distributed via internet. Jilted production team uploaded the 6 episodes video on Youtube channel named ‘jilted web series’. They created a Facebook page for this web series.

    Modularity –  The web series are quite modular, in that each video just runs 4 to 7 mins, 32 mins in total which is much shorter than traditional TV shows.

    Variability – Jilted production team used ‘timeline’ (The web series was released in batches created timeline) of Facebook in a better way that keep writing dairies on Facebook page. Audience just need to scroll down to the bottom to get know about crew and cast in a easy way and watch the trailer and the simplified video in order.

    Programmed elements – Youtube is a good platform with automated tools for observing audience behaviour. It shows directly how many people watched video and many people like it and subscribe it.

    Participatory aspects – Audience can add comments easily such as ‘I can see the boom mic in the frame!!!’ ‘it’s funny!’ while they are watching the web series. According to Leah (2010), she describes that fashion designers and retailers have a close relationship with customers on Facebook and twitter which helped boost bottom line. These platforms provide designers interests of customers and first hand information. ‘We learn on Facebook and through social media what are our guests are really screaming for, and we actually use the feedback,” says Lululemon CEO Christine Day. It provides filmmaker a chance to speak to audience directly and ask for their feedback. For example, the production team finished episode 1, uploaded on Youtube and shared it on Facebook. Then they can get feedback before they start shooting next episode. What should be improved? Is everything good? etc.



    Leah, B 2010, Social Media Is Fashion’s Newest Muse, viewed 5th March 2016, <http://www.forbes.com/2010/09/07/fashion-social-networking-customer-feedback-forbes-woman-style-designers.html>